

Customer satisfaction is number one priority for us. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, we would love to exchange or refund the product but make sure you meet the following terms and conditions:

  • You can try the piece on the spot while the courier is waiting ..
    A courier will be sent to pick up the product & deliver the exchange within 5 to 7 working days.


  • Refund only for defected items , the shipping fees will be waved to us aytomatically.
  • The product should be in its new original state.
  • The refund process takes up to 14 days.


  •  Due to limited stock there is no refund during sale period.
  • Package can not be opened - only exchange is allowed.

To start the return/exchange procedure, you can send a mail to info@tajsisters.com OR contact us directly through our page DM

Appreciate your understanding and support

Delivery Fees:

السعر المحافظة 
55 القاهرة 
65 الاسكندرية
65 البحيرة ( دمنهور - رشيد - كفر الدوار )
65 الدقهلية (المنصورة)
65 الغربية (طنطا - المحلة الكبري )
65 المنوفية
65 كفر الشيخ
70 دمياط (راس البر)
65 القليوبية (بنها)
65 الشرقية (الزقازيق - العاشر من رمضان)
65 بور سعيد 
65 الاسماعيلية
65 السويس
70 الفيوم
70 المنيا
70 اسيوط
70 بني سويف
70 سوهاج
80 قنا
85 الاقصر و اسوان